Interior, dim space with several windows with transparent pink images, like stained glass Oblique view of glowing window with the bust of a woman Window with a metronome Window with upstretched hand Window with teleprompter
Monologues: patriarchal traditions and the New Age (a score), 2018, acetate and hand-cut lighting gels, Western Front, Vancouver, 2018
The artist speaking to a seated audience, with a large projected image in the background Closeup of the artist speaking
Monologues: patriarchal traditions and the New Age, 2018, performance stills, Western Front, Vancouver, 2018

The audience is invited to arrive before the performance begins, so as to sit with setting sun as it illuminates the windows. Each contains a transparent coloured image: a lady, a metronome, a hand, and the double sided figure of a speech prompter. The specific colours were developed through previous projects: the pervasive ‘ground of being pink’; the ‘basic subjective six’ of the lady’s eyes; and the metronome’s ‘synaesthetic alphabet’. The iconography is based on props, video of whose performance accompanies the second in a series of iterative lectures. “Monologues” of the title refers to the lecture itself but also the speech of historical feminine figures that inhabit a broad field of research.