Woman at the Window, installation view (front) Woman at the Window, installation view (back)
Woman at the Window, digital chromogenic prints mounted on gator (both sides), steel frame, 16.5 × 23.5 inches
5 small TVs on tall metal stands, in a gallery
Anachronic Televisions, 2016, installation view, Spectral Transmissions, Gallery 295, Vancouver
Closeup of a TV with blue image of a gate
Churchyard Gate (1825), 14″ CRT television monitor, media player, steel stand
Closeup of a TV with blue image of a seascape with a figure
Ships at Anchor (1817), 14″ CRT television monitor, media player, steel stand
Closeup of a TV with violet-blue image of tree
The Lone Tree (1822), 2016, 14″ CRT television monitor, media player, steel stand
Closeup of a TV with violet-blue image of a woman at a window
Woman at the Window (1822), 14″ CRT television monitor, media player, steel stand
Closeup of a TV with blue-orange image of trees and monuments
The Cemetery at Sunset (1825), 14″ CRT television monitor, media player, steel stand

One day I caught sight of the Caspar David Friedrich painting Woman at the Window in the dead screen of a CRT television. After that I took a series of TVs outside and using their screens as reflective surfaces, tried to capture other Friedrich paintings. I photographed the reflected images and then later fed each television set (now plugged in and turned on) with a jpeg image of its own screen.